Implement Shopify Pos

Partner Shopify Plus agency

If you already work with Shopify and You want to live the full experience With your customers in your physical stores without a doubt this is your best option

We will help you launch your entire retail channel With Shopify post -step by step technology.

What is Shopify Pos?

Shopify pos It is Shopify's extension towards the physical channel that will allow you to provide a Omnicanal Complete Experience To all customers of your brand. All your operations integrated into a single system.

If you implement Shopify pos you can sell any product of your online store and physical store anywhere, event or situation with exactly the same process.

What is Shopify Pos?

It serves what Experience and sales processes are unique in your physical and online channel. It is not a software but Set of hardware and software solutions that will make all your employees get maximum performance For the sale of the products and services that are within your stores, physical or online stores.

Why is it necessary in your physical and online store?

The experience of the client, the employee and the brand will be unique

The data will be centralized And you can completely analyze your entire business without the need for more tools.

Because all the evolution of Shopify at the online level will also contribute you Evolution and growth at offline level.

Hardware y dónde comprarlo

Ipad/Iphone compatible 

Wisepad (lector de tarjetas): Comprar

Escaner código de barras: Comprar

Caja registradora: Comprar

Impresora de recibos: Comprar

Impresora de códigos de barras: Comprar

Pos Terminal (Terminal TPV): Comprar

Why is your best option to implement Shopify Pos?

Our 20 -year experience implementing sales systems in more than 200 brands and our partner with Shopify for 5 years, with a extensive experience In the implementation and optimization of Shopify Pos guarantees success in implantation.

We accompany you throughout the process, ensuring that you take out the maximum profit of this powerful tool.

Steps to implement Shopify Pos

Compra el hardware

En una sola página , todo compatible y directamente desde Shopify
Comprar hardware

Descarga e instala la app del pos en el iPad.

Descarga la app de la store de apple en tu ipad homologado. Una vez instalado vincula la app a tu canal Pos de Shopify para que estén vinculados
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You are already active and you are making transactions in Shopify Post.
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Shopify Pos configuration

Basic point of sale configuration. Hardware connection of your POS. Train your staff to use shopify pos. Get ready to launch in Shopify Pos.
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Administrator settings configuration

Configure shipping, local collection and delivery. Configure taxes. Configure payments. Install useful applications.
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Migration of your data

Add your products and gift cards to the new point of sale channel. Organize your products. Create new barcodes for your products. Configure inventory management. Configure discounts.
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Imply your team

Without a doubt, the team is the key to the success of the implementation since they must manage the day -to -day life.
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After launch

Manage your orders. Analyze data with reports. Grow your business. Shopify news.
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Amplia el número de tiendas de tu marca

Ya puedes ampliar las tiendas que quieras cuantas más tengas mejor experiencia tendrán tus clientes. Solo tienes que volver a empezar en cada una.
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