We are here to lead the companies of the future

3dids.com is you Strategic consultant Business specialized in providing sales solutions on any contact channel with your customer B2C or B2B

With more than 20 years of experience in which we have worked on more than 400 projects and with 90 internationalized brands. ​

15 sectors, more than 40 people, we are your expert and motivated team that will give 100% to get the best results. Together with your team. We will make it happen

Take a turn

The 3 pillars


Strategic sessions and specific continuous consultancies of your business: model, internationalization, AI, product automation, customer trip, conversion/usability, branding, communication, resources, organization of people, operations.


With our project experience we make yours reality: web design, platform development (B2B/B2C online stores; corporate), content, creativity, branding, relationships, influence


We accompany you and execute your entire marketing strategy so that your business is promoted: strategy/plan, execution and accompaniment, audit and start over to continue growing.

Together we make it happen


Your team

Andrés de España

Founder CEO

Senior consultant

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Andresdeespana

Sergio Núñez

Managing director

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Sergionunez

Náyade Lajara

Analytics and projections

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Nayadelajara

Montse Rodrigálvarez


Social Selling

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Montse

Sarai Cruz



linkedinCreated with Sketch. Saraicruzmoreno

Raúl Navarro

Business Development


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Raulnavarromirete

Patricia Juarrero

Responsible Department


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Patricia-Juarrero

Gemma Ramírez

Business Development


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Gemmaramirez

Iván Cayuelas

Graphic Design

Design and usability

linkedinCreated with Sketch. VATANCAYUELAS

Esteban de la Mata

Strategic direction


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Estebana

Rubio Aroa

Accounts Management

Social Selling

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Aroarubio

María Vaello

Strategic direction


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Mariavaello

Eric Carpe

Graphic Designer


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Eric-Carpe

César Carmelo



linkedinCreated with Sketch. Cesar me

Laura Gras

Graphic Design

Design and usability

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Laura-Fras

Fabio shipyards

Strategic direction


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Fabio-Astilleros

Isabel Sánchez

Business Development

Social Selling

linkedinCreated with Sketch. IsasanzCarpierro

Juan Alcaraz

Customer capture

Social Selling

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Juan-Alcaraz

Mar González

Business Development

Social Selling

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Mar-Gonzalez

Jorge Vilaplana

Account Director


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Jorgevilapanacortes

Miriam Boukhari

Strategic direction


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Miriam-Boukhari

Manuel Rodríguez

Project manager

Project management

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Manuel-Rodriguez

Anabel Osuna

Head of Projects


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Anabelosuna

Cristian Tur

Business Development

Social Selling

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Cristian-Tur

Martín Navarro

Business Development

Social Selling

linkedinCreated with Sketch. Martín-Navarro

Emmanuel Frezzotti

Strategy Director


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Emmanuelfzzotti

Carolina López

Strategy Director


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Carolina-López

Loli Prats

Director of Accounts


linkedinCreated with Sketch. Loli-Prats

Sofía Llinares

Directora de cuentas


linkedinCreated with Sketch. sofia-llinares

Maria Sarabia

Directora de Estrategia


linkedinCreated with Sketch. maria-sarabia

Palmira Ladriñan

Dirección Estratégica


linkedinCreated with Sketch. palmira-ladrinan

Laura Milán

Dirección Estratégica


linkedinCreated with Sketch. laura-milan

Health, family and honesty

Without a doubt, our values ​​mark our way of being both in the internal relationship with our team, as in the relationship that we will have with you and your project.

Remember them, we will always do it.

Do you want to join our team?

Work with us

We believe in the variety of profiles and the need for mutual learning. We are looking for people Formed, capable, hardworking and wanting to get involved in a leading project being part of a multidisciplinary team.

We offer you to work in a professional environment where we will challenge you to grow day by day.

Do practices is the first step

From theory to practice there is a great step, on 3dids.com we forge the professionals of the futureDo you sign up?Our doors are open for SUVs, proactive, responsible and resolutive ... because we learn and grow next to each person who passes through here.


We are looking for motivated professionals, who are not afraid to leave their comfort zone, that they are always at the last in trends and know how to apply them to different fields.
Multiconian community
We do not look for people who publish, we are looking for creative people who plan for the mass of clients who are part of our audience and who want to participate in everything that has to do with the brand strategy for the client, do you dare?
It will seem strange to you but we are looking for people who have migrated to the mobile to make videos who think that with a good mobile and good ideas it is able to create and build brand universes fully oriented to the new networks. We are looking for people with ideas and execution capacity, do you control all video apps on your mobile? Call us.
Emotional copywriting
We are looking for people with a copywriting soul, who know how to understand the brand attributes and the territories of the different personalities of our brands. We value the intention of purchase and SEO knowledge very much but always from the user/customer perspective. We talk about benefits and emotions.
PPC with head
We are sincere, we have a lot of experience in this so we only look for people with the same experience as us and in related sectors. If despite your experience you want to face challenges, start working with us.

3DIDS.com Group

Strategic allies for our clients

This is 3dids.com, a Group of professionals Strategically allies to respond to the needs of large companies that grow, expand and export and, therefore, need creative and innovative solutions tailored to their project.

This alliance makes it possible for us to develop more complete projects and multidimensional

A joint bet that demonstrates the commitment to stay relevant, innovative and effective in a progressively changing business ecosystem.



Our digital partners

We always surround ourselves from the best partners to get the success.

Let's go hand in hand with the most demanding collaborators to offer benefits of quality.

Being in continuous contact with our collaborators makes us keep the last one in novelties and apply them personalized to our models of our customers.


Hard training, easy fight ...

Together we make it happen

Our effort, courage and perseverance They have taken us to a privileged place to which only those who never stopped believing arrive.

Having conquered our fears has given us the strength and security that we needed to help you defeat yours.

Having collapsed our mental barriers and our prejudices give us the authority to invite you to challenge any obstacle that intervenes in your path to success.

And so, while everything is changing vertiginously, results that we get with our clients prove us right ...

Therefore, our clients, their results, their growth and their successesThey are our cause.

Therefore, we want to continue guiding companies towards the future.

Together we make it happen.

It is never enough

20 years committed

We collaborate with the association APSA, An NGO that develops activities aimed at improving the quality of life of people with different capacities throughout its life cycle, making a Annual Strategic Session, marking the plan for the improvement of the results, carrying out optimization tasks of its digital strategy and implying the business world in its infinite and generous projects, the last, its website and its online store.

Collaboration and development

We cross borders and provide our grain of sand in the development of Kenya's most needy areas, collaborating with the Kenya Children. Our support translates into the construction of a school for an orphanage and the sponsorship of children. 

In addition, we contributed economically with the 100% of the benefit achieved with the publication of the book "What if there was another way?"