Privacy Policy

RayDespa Diseny, Innovació and developed S.L.U., C.I.F. B53935136


  • Manage your relationship with us and provide our sales services of our services and products.
  • Manage the sending of information and commercial prospecting.
  • Manage your data for the case where you want to be part of our team.
  • Detection, prevention and fight against fraud.
  • Guarantee the application of current legality.

Consent of the interested party and execution of the contract.

Managers and sub -grants for data processing. Assignments to third parties for legal imperative.

Access, rectify and suppress data, as well as other rights, as detailed in the second layer of information.
RayDespa Diseny, Innovació and developer S.L.U. He has adapted his privacy policy to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016, General Regulation of Data Protection, committing to ensuring that your personal information is protected and not used in form improper

To have more transparent and clear information about how we process your personal data, in this document we explain who is responsible for the processing of your personal data, with what purpose your personal information will be treated, the legal basis on which we work For treatment, for how long we will keep your personal data, to whom we can communicate your personal information, how we collect it, why we collect it, how we use it, the rights that assist you and also explain the processes we have arranged to protect your privacy.

By facilitating your personal information and using our websites, we understand that you have read and understand the terms related to personal data protection information that are exposed. In Raydespa Diseny, Innovació and Development S.L.U. We assume the responsibility of complying with current legislation on national and European data protection, and we have the objective of treating your data lawfully, loyal and transparent.

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

According to the GDPR, the person responsible for the treatment is the natural or legal person who, alone or together with others, determines the ends and means of treatment.

In our case, Raydespa Diseny, Innovació and Development S.L.U. (hereinafter "3dids"), with C.I.F. B53935136, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante Volume 2854 Book 0 Folio 182 sheet A-87868, and address in C/ Castaños No. 6, 1st DRCH, Alicante, is responsible for the processing of personal data that proportions.

2. How do we get your personal data?

In 3DIDS we deal with those personal data that you have provided directly to us or have been obtained following your consultations, requests or contracting of products with 3DIDS, being the usual channels the completion of our contact form, the request for a budget for a proposal or a service, comments through the Jivochat, and even the remission of your curriculum or other equally legitimate channels.

In some cases, we can collect data on you in the field of services that we provide, which can be provided by third parties and other sources, but always obtained, provided you have given us your consent for this assumption and for that purpose.

For 3DIDS, the protection of the minor is a priority, and therefore, we report that this website, the applications and the products they contain and that it offers 3DIDS to its users are not aimed at minors.

If you are a minor, please do not try to register as a user of our website, applications or products. If we discover that by mistake we have obtained personal information from a minor, we will eliminate such information as soon as possible.

3. For what purpose do we treat your personal data?

When we collect your 3DIDS data, we do it to be able to advise you in the best way and offer you the service that best suits your needs. In that sense, when you fill in the contact forms, for the request of a service or a budget, 3DIDS use your data to be able to answer your doubts, comments, or to collect the necessary information for the possible performance of the requested service, and/or for the quantification of the budget.

On the other hand, your data will also be used for the detection, prevention and fight against fraud; to guarantee compliance with the conditions of use and the applicable law, for the realization of statistical analysis, as well as studies on the profile of those who use our products and services and the characteristics of such use.

In 3DIDS there is also a form so you can send your curriculum and be part of our team. In this case, your data will be used so that you can be part of the selection processes that are organized by the company.

Other purposes

Your data can also be used to send advertising from other 3DIDS products and services by all available channels (including electronic means), unless otherwise indicated through the exercise of your rights.

And so that you do not miss anything, in the event that you authorize it, your personal data may be used to send information or newsletters that can be useful, as well as other advertising or promotional communications of a general nature or adapted to Your personal characteristics according to your interests, by preparing a commercial profile based on the information provided and through automated treatments, by all available channels (including electronic means). Also, such information may be used to carry out market studies.

We can also use your personal data to improve the services we offer in 3DIDS.

4. What is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data?

The legal basis to be able to treat your data is your unequivocal consent, so you must accept the privacy policy to be able to contact 3DIDS.

The processing and processing of your data will be necessary prior to the realization of certain actions and/or measures before entering the contract with 3DIDS, as well as will be prior to the execution of a contract that you are part. If data processing is based on your unequivocal consent, you can withdraw it at any time by contacting 3DIDS through the channels provided in this privacy policy.

5. Personal data conservation?

3DIDS will keep your personal data only during the time we reasonably need to offer you the best possible service in relation to the purpose for which they were collected.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, 3 DIDS will have the right to conserve and maintain them, under due blocking, during the necessary period to comply with the legal obligations that correspond, as well as for their disposal before the competent authorities in the different matters that are of application.

6. Where do we store your data?

The data we collect on you are stored within the European Economic Space ("EEE"), although they can also be transferred and treated in a country outside the EEE. Any transfer of your personal data will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws. For transfers outside the EEE, 3DIDS will use contractual clauses type of data protection adopted by the European Commission and the EU - US Privacy Shield as a guarantee of those transfers made to countries that do not have an adaptation decision of the commission European

7. Who will we communicate your data?

3DIDS does not sell, rent, yield or exchange your personal data with third parts outside our company. We want to win and maintain your trust, and we believe that this is absolutely basic for this purpose.

However, in order to offer you our services we need to collaborate with other professionals such as hosting, messaging, affiliation services, marketplace services, social networks, among others, but the transfer of your data will be carried out complying with the necessary security parameters and the current legality.

Outside the cases described in the previous paragraph, the personal data that you have provided to “3DIDS” will not be transferred to third parties, unless we are bound by a normative provision.

8. Social networks

At present, social networks are integrated in the day -to -day life of many Internet users, which is why 3 DIDS has created various company profiles in them, specifically on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Linked In.

Users have the possibility of joining those profiles that 3 DIDS have in the different social networks. However, they must take into account that except for those actions for which we request their data, for example for marketing actions or selection processes, their data belong to the social network, therefore 3 DIDS recommends its users to read carefully Privacy policies and conditions of use of them.

9. Confidentiality

For 3DIDS, your personal data is of the utmost importance, which is why it undertakes to always treat them with the greatest confidentiality and discretion, as well as to implement the technical and organizational measures that it considers reasonable and necessary to guarantee their security. In response to the concern that 3DIDS has for the safety of your personal data, it guarantees that you have used all technical means at your fingertips to avoid the possible loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data provided by users

10. What are your rights regarding personal data?

As a consequence of the processing of your personal data by 3 DIDS, current legislation gives you a series of rights.

For the exercise of any of the rights above you can go to the following email address: or send a postal communication to the following address:

RayDespa Diseny, Innovació and developer S.L.U. | C/ Castaños Nº 6, 1st Drch | 03001 Alicante

The application must be accompanied by a copy of the ID or other identification document.

So that you have no doubts about what your rights are and it is easier to be able to exercise them, we provide you with a summary explanation of each right and how you can exercise them:

  • Access Right: You have the right to obtain confirmation on whether in 3 DIDS we are dealing with personal data that concerns you, or not. You can also contact 3DIDS that will send you these data by email.
  • Right of rectification: You have the right to request that your personal data be rectified when they are inaccurate or that they are completed when they are incomplete. If you are registered on our website, you can correct them directly by modifying the profile.
  • Right of suppression/right to oblivion: You have the right to obtain, without improper delay, the suppression of any personal data of you treated by 3 DIDS, when among other reasons are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, provided there is no other legal basis for the processing of the same.
  • Limitation right: You have the right to request the limitation of the processing of personal data, in this case we will keep them only for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • Right to portability: You have the right to receive personal data in a standard format of common use and mechanical reading and to transmit them to another responsible when the treatment is based on consent or a contract, and is carried out by automated means.
  • Right of opposition: You have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data, in relation to any purpose that we deal with, and this according to the applicable privacy policy.
  • Right to file a claim: You have the right to file a claim before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in some cases, 3dids may retain those data that are necessary for the provision of the service contracted until the end of the same, as well as those related to those operations that generate invoices, which will be kept until the end of the contractual relationship and, subsequently, during the legally required deadlines