Do sales campaigns work like Black Friday?

¿Funcionan las campañas de rebajas como Black Friday?

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As happens when something is popular in excess, the difference between what it was and what is, many times, is quality. Now, it's the Mass Sale Campaigns Like Black Friday, those that begin to resent a certain wear after years of "abuse."

What is the problem of sales campaigns?

The biggest problem is that companies get on the car without having anything real to contribute, in addition, there is a excess offers unclear and an advertising flood that, in the best case, is exhausting.

Therefore, consumers perceive a general feeling of opportunism, when I do not deceive, given the amount of offers and the work of screening that already forces the campaign itself.

To all this we must add, on the other hand, the lack of logistics capacity, stock and even customer service of many of these companies, whose lack of preparation comes to a step back in their Brand development within the market.

This type of Sale campaigns Unfortunate were unknown in Spain until a few years ago, so their direct importation of a country as perfectly greased for consumerism as the US, has made them a value test for all the business fabric of our country.

What fails with mass sales?

Maybe the problem is one's own Sale model in itself; A standard based on generating interest, anxiety and expectation in the potential client a few weeks before starting the campaign.

This urgency based pattern (limited stocks), the offer (price drop), the temporality (only during the campaign) and the opportunity (lasts just a few days), ends up being so primary that the consumers They have come to feel some contempt for him.

In fact, many brands reject entering Black Friday to avoid the animosity of their faithful or potential clients due to how complex that has become the expectations of an increasingly demanding consumer and fed up with the typical most conservative marketing emboles.

How to get better sales?

The new rules of digital marketing direct the efforts of companies to emotional, trying to stop making companies the anxiety of companies to give meaning to old aphorism "Take the money and run".

Therefore, and in the same way that customers no longer look for only a place to buy a Buy a product Without more, companies are obliged to be consistent, sustainable, appeal to responsible consumption and, above all, to focus on the experience of their users.

I want to say that businesses cannot win bread in a couple of annual discounts campaigns; Although Black Friday, cybermonday, Christmas and January sales suppose a lucrative source of income. Now, the brands They have become part of people's emotional apparatus, and, therefore, they are increasingly demanded.

Does this mean that Extremely consumerist campaigns How do Black Friday have the days counted? Well, surely not; But we are sure that in the coming years everything will be very different.

From We advise our clients about the best way to focus their advertising campaigns in favor of a lasting brand development that is not based on opportunism and works the fidelity of customers.